Friday, April 8, 2011

Meta-lect 64 (Calandria)

7 April 2011. Sun, but chill. Ducking into Joi, the nail place up the street. Middle fingernail silk repair--come back at 1:30. Connie starting in with someone in back corner--the row of high chairs for pedicure--therapy and repair...

But why all this? When the breakfast club sits quizzical? Natasha at back door, two small mews, her head tilted a little to the side.

I remain the maitre d'--four handfulls of peanuts, one of black oil sunflower seeds, some pieces of challah, near the birch tree, and a cup of songbird seed with extra millet...scattered under the lemon...

B's poem last night. Brahms, with Alyosha, sitting outside, all the others, too, gathered round. Lydia, Sterling, a circle of concern... Composing a chorale for their voices...

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